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Raising more money by guiding donors to budget for charitable giving

Raising more money by guiding donors to budget for charitable giving

January 28, 2022

“Nonprofits should consider going beyond the typical ask of recurring donations and really encourage donors to incorporate charitable giving into every budget decision that they make.”

Rebecca Moffett

In this episode of The Beacon Podcast, Lighthouse Counsel Senior Consultant David Snow speaks withRebecca Moffett, president of Vanguard Charitable, a national donor-advised fund provider and one of the nation’s top grant makers. 

Rebecca shares her insights on an important topic for nonprofits — how to encourage donors to budget for charitable giving, which results in higher amounts of giving, according to a Vanguard Charitable survey. For example, individuals who budget for charitable giving gave nearly seven times more dollars than those who don’t budget, the survey found.

In the discussion, Rebecca talks about the results of that survey and answers questions including:

  • What eye-opening findings did the survey unearth that can help nonprofits engage more deeply with their donors and raise more money?
  • How can nonprofits communicate with their donors about budgeting for their annual charitable giving?

About our Guest

Throughout Rebecca’s tenure at Vanguard Charitable, she has held multiple leadership roles touching all aspects of Vanguard Charitable’s business. Most recently, she served as chief strategic planning officer, setting and implementing Vanguard Charitable’s short-term and long-term strategic plans. This resulted in Vanguard Charitable evolving into a top grant maker, issuing more than $12 billion in grants since its inception and $1.7 billion last year alone. 

Prior to beginning her career at Vanguard Charitable, Rebecca earned a bachelor’s of science degree from St. Joseph’s University and later earned a master’s of business administration from St. Joseph’s, as well.